Would you like to be a professional in a household and provide stability for children, take care of them and have high responsibilities? If so, becoming a Görtz & Crown nanny might be the perfect job for you!

Have you ever thought about becoming a nanny?

Do you really want to mean something educationally and make work of your passion? Then becoming a nanny via Görtz & Crown might be something for you. Our G&C nannies work full-time (between 30 and 40 hours per week) often spread over 3-5 days and support busy families with raising children and planning all kinds of child- and family-related activities. The term “family manager” or “co-educator” is actually more appropriate.

As a G&C nanny you will be employed by one family.  Our clients are busy families who need a well-trained nanny. These are families that demand more from a nanny than from a guest parent, babysitter or au pair.  Görtz & Crown focuses on the top of the childcare market in the Netherlands. Families that want full-time one-on-one guidance and support for their children. The wishes of families and the composition vary enormously. Often enough there are more organizational tasks in addition to caring for children. We always try to achieve the perfect match between family and nanny/family manager. We take great care in doing so.

Our nannies work throughout the Randstad and for 20% also elsewhere in the Netherlands. Sometimes even abroad. We select nannies, train them and mediate between families and nannies. Our unique training (after your MBO, HBO or sometimes WO) through the Nanny Academy is the solid preparation for a great nanny career.

Are you curious if becoming a nanny is something for you? Call Miriam or fill out the contact form. We will call you back and inform you about the possibilities. Sometimes it is possible to walk along with one of our nannies for a day.

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More information about 'becoming a nanny' through G&C

Want to know more about becoming a nanny through G&C? Contact us.

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