A nanny can work in different ways, of which resident and non-resident are the most well-known.

Resident, non-resident or temporary?


The resident nanny lives in your home. Households can differ in their accommodation for the nanny, but this consists of at least her own living room and/or bedroom, a kitchen and a bathroom. Some households are able to provide a separate living space like an apartment near their own home. The resident nanny usually works 40 to 50 hours per week. These working hours can be divided flexible from Monday to Sunday, during the day, evening or night.


Just like other employees, a non-resident nanny lives in her own home that is within a reasonable travelling distance from your home and she travels to work daily. Her working days or hours are often planned in advance. Naturally, she can work extra or flexible hours after consultation. A non-resident nanny’s week usually consists of at least 30 working hours. Most G&C nannies generally aspire a full time job, but some of them will be available for a part-time job. Some households choose multiple nannies to make sure that extra care for their children is available at all times.


Sometimes a household needs temporary help from a nanny. After all, some circumstances may require you to find temporary support for your children’s upbringing until a permanent solution is available. Görtz & Crown offers you the possibility to employ nannies for a short period of time. If you would like to utilize this possibility, we advise you to contact us in sufficient time (if possible, preferably a few months ahead).

If you are interested in a resident or non-resident nanny, you can look at our thorough procedure to find the nanny that fits your wishes. This is our quality approach to provide you with the best possible service. Naturally, you can also contact us directly for questions and information. If you wish to have a temporary nanny, you can contact our team at all times as well.

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