There is a considerable difference between an au-pair, a childminder or a Görtz & Crown nanny.

Difference au pair, childminder and G&C nanny

 Au-pairChildminder / regular nanny G&C nanny
Caring role
Nurturing / educative role 
Taking over tasks  
Specialized in family pedagogy  
MBO 2/3  
Coaching during and after placement  
High flexibility in working hours  
Employment for at least 1 year  
Contract for at least 30 hours per week  
Works for only one household 
Basic training Nanny Academy  
Further training Nanny Academy  

Nanny Christel:

Nanny Christel

It is lovely to work with children. They are honest, spontaneous, active and sweet. I like helping children develop into little adults. If you can help a family with raising their children, it gives a lot of gratification. It is almost an honor that they trust you with this!

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